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Commenced 2018

Bougainvillaea,  with Tropical Lush, was the Brief.


This Balinese inspired Villa has full site compression. The Garden design was adjusted to create strong vertical elements whilst still incorporating colour, leaf & scent below.


Tropical lush. Elephant ears, Heliconias, Gardenias, JambuTeddyBear Palms and Bouganvillea some of the species incorporated. One of the benefits of creating gardens within a tropical environment is the ability to plant larger specimens for a fraction of the cost, additionally enjoying the rapid growth of other species planted. most of the photos below represent up to 6 months since establishment. Fantastic!!!


My ethos for the design of smaller scaled gardens is to keep the hard landscape elements as simple as possible. To introduce a design with lines that move gracefully throughout the space. Length, grace & simplicity within the confines, while directing the view lines towards areas with impact planting. After all, it's crucial to create a 'sense' of space that feels comfortable, as much as enjoying the physical beauty of the plantings.


A home and yet a showcase reflecting dreams & aspirations realised and desired. 


Work in progress...

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